Project Info

Point Blank

Daniella Gohari, Molly Hunker, Abby Katcher, Daniel Poei

SEAMLESS, SEAM MORE:  two di erent panel shapes, one a single hexagon, the second a metapanel made up of four hexagonal shapes, create greater di erentiation in panel boundaries, obscuring an obvious seaming pattern. the extreme relief of our spikes conceal the seams further by clustering about panel boundaries, in juxtaposition to the at blank panels which reveal the seams as  NATURALLY ORGANIC instead of tesselation that aggregates with speci c rules to create a preconceived design, our panels are meant to organically aggregate in many orientations and groupings to reinforce the anenome-like clustering and seam disruption.  THE SPIRIT, THE SHADOW and  the ridged spikes that pull aggressively toward the viewer create a surface depth to our rainscreen that plays with light and shadow to the extreme of our machine capabilities.  THAT’S STEALTHY,  matte black was chosen as the paint color to emphasize an elas tic materiality to the eld, while also reinforcing the aggressive nature of the spikes.

  ©2023 murmur